1. Strategic Risk
What happens when your operation deviates from your business model?
Technology changes
Competitive pressure
Legal changes
Shifts in customer demand
Mission creep
2. Legal Risk
Failing to comply with state or federal compliance regulation.
Discrimination or harassment in your workplace
Workplace health and safety violations
Environmental regulations
Data storage issues
Contractual problems
IP protection
3. Financial Risk
Financial risks, or economic risks, that impact your company performance.
Cashflow issues
Interest rates
Bad debts
4. Operational Risk
External and internal events that can have a major impact on your ongoing operations
Natural disasters
Changes in laws and regulations
Cyber attack
Failures in technology
Changes in laws and regulations
Employee misconduct
5. Reputational Risk
Events that harm your business’ public image.
Bad publicity
Data breaches
Defective products
Workplace accidents
6. Global Risk
Major events that occur elsewhere but which impact our business environment
Natural disasters
Regional conflicts
7. Competitive Risk
Competitor changing their offering in the market
New value proposition
Changed pricing
New product or service
Staff poaching